Before You Revamp Your Company's IT Hardware: Three Things You Need To Do First

Computers are constantly being updated with newer, better, faster technology and software. If your company has not been in business very long, but your hardware and software are already outdated, you may want to update everything soon. Before you chuck your old computers in the trash and revamp your IT equipment, there are three things you need to do first.

Update Your Software to Make ALL of Your Files Compatible with the New Computers and Programs

Since your new computers come fully loaded with updated computer operating systems, you will want to update this software on your old computers first. Yes, this may seem like an odd step, considering you will either recycle or destroy the old computers, but it will make the transition of all of your present files and programs that much smoother. After you update the operating systems and programs on your current computers, all of the files you wish to save will have to be converted into the new software and programs. Then save all of your files to an external hard drive before wiping your drives completely.

Wipe Your Hard Drives

Because even the deleted emails you sent six months ago can still hang around on your computing system's hard drives, you will want to "wipe" them entirely. This is a process whereby ALL of the data, including the original programming that came on the hard drives, is completely and utterly erased. Not doing so runs the risk of exposing company information that you may want to keep private. If you do not have IT personnel to address computing needs of this magnitude, you can hire an IT asset disposition company for this service, or a freelance IT consultant.

Recycle Your Computing Equipment

There are a couple of ways to recycle computer equipment. The aforementioned IT asset disposition company you hired can remove the equipment, break down the parts and recycle the rest. Parts of your computers that are easily destroyed because they are organic in origin (silicone and silicate from sand) can be destroyed or melted down. Plastic and metal parts can also be melted and reformed.

The remainder often ends up in a special landfill or stored somewhere where it cannot do any damage to the environment. (Most asset disposition companies choose the former because they operate on environmentally-friendly principles.) Your only other option is to donate your used computer equipment to charitable organizations who can put it to good use. Click here for more information on recycling.
