4 Ways To Be More Comprehensive With Your Recycling Efforts In 2016

If you want to reduce your impact on your environment this year, one of your new year's resolutions should be to increase your recycling efforts. Here are four ways you can be more comprehensive with your recycling efforts in 2016. 

Set Up Recycling Bins Inside Your Home

Don't wait to take out the trash before you sort your recycling. Create multiple recycling bins inside of your house near your main trashcan location. Set up recycling bins for cardboard, plastics, food compost waste and trash. 

Set up mini-bins in multiple locations in your house. Your trash can should be the smallest bin, as most things you put in your trash can actually be recycled. 

Reuse Your Water

At home, consult with a plumber about rearranging your plumbing so that you use the wastewater you produce in your shower and tub to flush your toilet. The purpose of the water in your toilet is only to get rid of waste; it doesn't have to be fresh. 

You can also use rainwater to water your garden with. Set up large garbage cans under all of your downspouts, and allow rainwater to collect. Place a lid on your rainwater and create a slit for the downspout to release the water into the garbage can. That way, you keep mosquitoes out of your water and can use the rainwater you collect to water your plants with. 

Compost Your Leftovers

When you finish with your food, don't just throw the scraps into the trash can. Put all biological material that can break down into a compost pile. If you don't have room outside for a compost, but this waste into your compost recycling container that you set out on your curb. 

Put food that does not easily decompose, such as meat and grease scraps, into your trash can. These are not items that can be recycled. However, you can cut down on this type of waste by saving and eating your leftovers instead of throwing them away. 

Purchase Recycled Items

If you really want to reduce the waste you create, start by increasing the amount of recycled products that you purchase. Support recycling efforts every step of the way by buying goods that have been recycled.

When you go shopping, purchase food that comes in containers that are made with recycled material. There should be a recycle symbol on the bag to let you know. When you go shopping for paper products, only purchase those that are made out of recycled material. When you need new furniture for your home, shop for refurbished items first. 

Increasing your recycling efforts is not just about recycling the items you used; it is about supporting the entire chain of recycling. To learn more, talk to a company that specializes in recycling, such as Industrial Services Inc.
